Strategies in the Soft War


Taking inspiration from North/South Korea, our near neighbours have adopted the practice of dirt balloons, punting their detritus over the wall. There’s far right propaganda showing a frog-faced goon with a fistful of flags, and a drowned rat shrinking from a boatful of faux pas. There’s a bucketful of broken promises and file upon file of prevarication. And that’s just the Big Stuff, and they slip in dumbed-down degree programmes and their clumsy sack race to the lowest common denominator. Action it, surface it, innovate: scrawled on scraps and left to fester, as our neighbours grow tall in their uncluttered lives. We paint them in rainbows and hang them from dim streetlamps, and we circle them at sundown and sing like fingers caressing a crystal rim. It’s not a perfect solution, but it brings us together, and our voices are patterned pillows in an airy museum.




Oz Hardwick
Picture Nick Victor





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