Humpty Dumpty has spread himself
now he’s inside number ten
he’s gone and papered the parlour
and sacked his once-favoured man
he’s wed his patient fiancée
and taken all his vows
with the church there in his corner
he can prance and preen for hours
he’s in charge of Great Britain now
no longer the mere Great Wen
power lies on his shoulders
now he’s got his Brexit done
no opposition in Westminster
still less in Downing Street
Eton’s own Blond Bombshell
has the populace at his feet
Humpty Dumpty sits on a blue wall
the world is his to keep
but there’s a great fall waiting
and he should be losing sleep
us invisible insurrectionists
have a stirring promise to keep
a million minds are stirring
a million hearts still beat
bombast and bluster forever?
never accept this harangue
one day Humpty Dumpty
will go off with a mighty bang
a nursery rhyme continued
Georgie Porgie
pudding and pie
kissed the girls
and made them cry
when the boys
came out to play
Georgie Porgie
ran away
behind the curtains
beyond the screen
always forever
that’s how it’s been
in the basement
up the stairs
Georgie Porgie
shed their tears
down the alley
up the lane
round the back
they wept in vain
no bees in his bonnet
no false starts
Georgie Porgie
smote their hearts
Jeff Cloves