- Become a nonviolent vegan. Keep your cravings in check by developing empathy.
- Start growing in gardens, allotments, tubs, window boxes, (but respect wildlife corridors and need for food, and don’t use plastics, wire or pesticides.)
- Stop Consuming. Eat less. Waste less. Mend more. Share more. Appreciate more.
- Abstain from all Death cult ‘products’ now: wool, leather, fur, plucked feathers, palm oil, “Made in China;” check labels. “Do, as you would be done by” (the Golden Rule.)
- Educate yourself and others. Find out. Speak out! Use the internet; demand political change; demonstrate. Expose. Reveal. The truth must come out!
- Liberate…End the Cage Age. Become a protector, a healer. Atone for aeons of rapacious, destructive humanity through Right Action.
- Stop breeding. Give your loving care to those already in existence…all beings.
- Take responsibility for your carbon foot-print: stop flying, driving, bathing, ‘baking’ in over-heated houses, buying “new” homes and “second” homes. Think “local,” awaken to the wonders on your doorstep. Re-green the cities, to spare the greenbelt.
- Take your power back, and use it for Good. “Be the change you want to see in the world,” “Live simply, so that others may simply live” (Mahatma Ghandi). Remember that “A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.” (Francis of Assisi)
- Recognise that the only real ‘currency’ of any value… is KINDNESS.
Please watch and share: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000mn4n
Heidi Stephenson
I find it very disappointing that Attenborough was “delighting” the Royal children (today’s papers) answering their questions about animals and nature, when at the beginning of this month Prince George was taken on his first grouse shoot, the start of a life of partaking in blood sports. It’s a very contradictory message to put out, when he is otherwise telling us we must be protecting species and treating them with compassion.
Comment by Editor on 27 September, 2020 at 2:52 pmI couldn’t agree more, Claire. Very disappointing.
And appalling that the Royal family is still so actively engaged in these abominable atrocities against our fellow sentient kin. Their conservation efforts (whilst vital) are also hypocritical, in light of what they do continually to Britain’s poor wild beings at the weekends.
Comment by Heidi Stephenson on 27 September, 2020 at 5:56 pm