I don’t want to alarm you
Or cause you too much consternation but
Don’t believe the devil
Don’t believe his book
Don’t believe in sin, originary or not
Why consider Adam and Eve sinful
Two wrongs don’t make a right
Just might believe in Heaven and Hell after all
Because I think we just don’t understand that one at all
There’s still a right and wrong
But it’s more fluent than rigidity
Hardly anything seems to have a solution
That is not more particular than universalistic
Don’t believe the ten commandments: read them!
On the other hand
We do need law
And politics
And arguments and disputes
What do you need to know?
Pay attention and respond appropriately
That’s a start
Respect local customs
Of course they’re quite possibly not like your’s
Trying to bring together
Ways of doing that are just so intrinsically different and apart
Is just not going to work
Hell those two
Couldn’t stay five minutes together in the same room
If they could deem
To talk to each other at all
Winners and losers
And don’t get caught on the wrong side of that line
You’ve got to know what’s good for you
What’s going to make it better
I might have to change this
Or some of it anyway
There just may be no way around it
Clark Allison