It has taken me several drinks to realise we are all under virtual house arrest. The State has its claws in us all, through financial institutions, grants and taxes, phone lines, radio waves and electronic devices. They carry streams of invisible energy and our thought waves from one end of the world to the other. Computer manufacturers push for full spectrum dominance and central control.
To stay sane we have to smile a bit and adapt to crazy situations. Only through our determination to realise and to manifest our true selves will we be given our passport to nature. We must say “no” to eternal freedom which is the great deception perpetrated by religious authoritarianism. Better is the grand illusion of summoning the power to break out of our prison cells and cultivating the will to direct the fruits of this process to escaping the world’s mass suicide.
We are all doomed unless we find ourselves on the path of profound truth, where we can be one with the Cosmic Nucleus from whence we came. We are garbage left behind on planet failure, trapped in a perpetual cycle of mental and physical imprisonment. We are all subject to Universal Law, there is no escape except the one based on the process I have outlined in my books, which are available to purchase. There is no time to lose, we are in a race against time, must awaken everyone to the reality of their enslavement.
In order to become spiritual warriors we must constantly pop pain relievers, engage in birthing global realisation, and have no doubts about our ability to defeat planetary evolution. Global economic stagnation is paving the way for the Great Reset. Planned events expand diversification from a central causality event, as when one drops a stone in a pool of water then transfers organic life into ambition, usurping emotional and rational thinking.
Will the psychos keep their grip on the mental and physical health of enough mortals to maintain their grinding momentum? Nobody can second-guess the future but everyone is capable of ringing a bell and jumping onto the fire engine to combat the threat of extinction. It’s real and it’s happening now, conspiracy theories, secret agendas and global governance, a disinformation ecosystem in itself. Ring that bell and jump onto my fire engine! Now.
Within a holistic/quantum assessment of what is, it is important to also consider what isn’t and what might be. Everything is unfailingly connected at the extreme end of believability, is simply a dreamy delusion. Repercussions have repercussions, my future on this planet is under threat but with my natural powers of geo-engineering I have found a way of isolating myself. I have no contact with soil, electromagnetic frequencies or vaccination programmes. I have a plan B, C and plan D if plan A fails to materialise. There is more insanity in the pipeline, more projections of my thought patterns.
Really, I don’t know much. Yeah, that’s about it really. We might survive. I don’t want to die.
Gillian Knows
Gillian Knows is on and taking the piss. They are the author of many badly written and unpublished books of which the latest, “Why doesn’t anyone believe me?”, is an attempt to imagine and resist the New World Order which might possibly be about to take over all our lives. Or not.