Van Allen’s Summer


what are they
waiting for?

their barb-wired
no man’s land, bristling

messages received but not
understood. the earth’s aura

voices burn from the transmitters.
crackles on a time-switch.

what world are they trying
to pull?


John Constable

Image: Nick Victor


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4 Responses to Van Allen’s Summer

    1. I like this poem – it has a kind of openness that allows thought to travel in it, yet it’s not dogmatic.

      Comment by Olivia on 27 September, 2012 at 8:28 am
    2. Thanks for your positive response to the poem.
      Sorry I don’t have Helen’s contact details – the it editor does. I’ll forward him your request.

      Comment by John Constable on 27 September, 2012 at 2:18 pm
    3. There are definate prmoelbs with this article. In some counties the Constable must Bill for each of his deputy constables and then pay them himself. Many of these Constables have 4 or 5 Deputies. It would not be abnormal for them to put on those types of miles for that many men. It also appears that these prmoelbs are occurring in just 4 counties out of 67 in PA. I think the individuals should be addressed and if found to be engaged in illegal activity appropriate action should be taken. Seeing all of the corruption in Harrisburg, maybe this legislature is just trying to take some of the heat off of himself.

      Comment by Allan on 4 December, 2012 at 8:36 pm
    4. ‘Allan’: a spammer in the works!

      Comment by John Crow on 11 December, 2012 at 11:41 am

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