What Stays?

what stays2











What stays?
If not the sound of past emotion,
Silences in rooms.

A familiar breath,
Unresolved anger,
Our maverick selves,
Less than we did but more than ever.

Melody is wind
Now, today, hereafter,
Temporarily indisputable.

A fading siren
Now more distance,
Not alone,
Is it time yet?

Imposing clouds
Little lights,
Not mine.
Bullied Where I am
beyond myself,
In someone else’s life.

In a moment,
Release Of anguish,
Presence, then mind.

Sacred spectacle of nights,
Who’s there?
I’m seen in dirty windows.
What’s left to entertain?
A staring child looking at the man.


Sebastian Sebene
Collage: Claire Palmer

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