Who Knows What? Episode 1.


– It’s not beyond the realms of possibility, said Candice, flicking the ash off the end of a Marlboro Light onto the carpet. I’ve always been very creative, and you almost have a decent head for business. It was very unfortunate the way the massage parlour turned out. Who could’ve foreseen?
– I knew I shouldn’t have trusted that dratted Diego, Benjamin replied. But I’ve learned my lesson and now I’m almost not gullible at all. Almost not at all.
– You live and learn. Now we need an Action Plan, said Candice, making sure the last two words had a capital A and a capital P.
– A plan for what? butted in Little Jimmy, bursting into the room like a buffoon bursting into a room where he sure was not wanted.
– None of your business, snapped Candice. And what is that all down your shirt front? It looks like vomit.
– I had an accident. It’ll come off with the right chemicals. Or I could just buy a new shirt.
– Does your mother know you’re on the loose?
– She doesn’t care. She’s under a general anaesthetic at the infirmary.
Defying the laws of gravity, Candice hauled herself off the sofa.
– What’s she doing at the infirmary?
– She had an argument, said Little Jimmy.
– Who with? Candice was agitatedly hopping up and down, which was never easy for her.
– With one of those cars that take people to the graveyard.
– A hearse?
-No. It wasn’t a horse. It was a car.
– Shouldn’t you be at school? Benjamin asked.
– I’m 25, said Little Jimmy.
– What’s your point?
– Jimmy, can you go and play in the yard? said Candice. It’s pouring with rain, and you need a wash if the aroma you just delivered into the room is anything to go by.
– I hate that brat, said Benjamin, as he and Candice watched Little Jimmy soap himself down in the rain which was now falling very heavily.
– We should probably show some concern for his mother, if what he said about her is true.
– It’s probably not. He’s a compulsive liar.
Suddenly a new voice entered the narrative:
– What’s my little baby doing out in the rain like that?
Little Jimmy’s mother had appeared as if from out of the blue, but in fact from the cupboard under the stairs where she had been sleeping off a heavy evening at Le Clubbe.
– You look awful, said Candice, looking her up and down from as far away as possible.
– You’re adorable too, replied Betty.
– Do you still intend leaving for the mountains at the weekend? asked Candice.
– If they’re still there. I heard a rumour they were being moved.
– Where did you hear that?
– I don’t recall. I hear a lot of talk at a lot of places.
– Little Jimmy will like the mountains.
– He’d better. He’s gonna be there a long time.




Conrad Titmuss




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