The creative industries have become the single biggest offense on culture. A full frontal assault of fruit and flowers. Do you know what to say to this bullshit?

If so go to No. 7

If not go to No. 5



1. Thus they easily arrive at an exaltation of experimental literature as necessarily revolutionary. However, they may neglect the fact that the ideology is never simply in the message, but in the position of the message in the general social discourse, and in the position of its producers in the social formation.



The End


2. Bash out bitter letters complaining about perceived slights to authorial dignity. “This is it!” And my publishers are only too happy to show me the door. “Let me reverse your threat! Unless you start acting civilly to us, there is no possibility of our agreeing to publish you ever! Nor will I—or any of us—answer any future letter that we consider to be as rude as those we’ve been receiving.”
Go to No. 8



3. See?
If you do go to No. 4
If you don’t go to No. 17b. for a more rudimentary explanation



4. Giving yourself away.
Go to No. 8



5. I never get any work done.
If this sounds familiar go to No. 2
If it doesn’t go to No. 13



6. I race and I pace and I stand and I sit, and
Go to No. 15



7. Whatever IT is – taken from education or medication, then socked by a fantastical interpretation of metaphysics – put into meditations and dedications; deliberate and clunky as hell, developing into esotericisms that are crass in their intent.
If this sounds alright go to No. 6
If your intention is to get into certain white men’s heads and fuck with the way they think, go to No. 8



8. Although we can apply a value to creative output, it remains impossible for human beans to gauge their own cultural worth.
If you are unfamiliar with this concept go to No. 5
If you recognise it, go to No. 10



9. It isn’t. It’s an arcangel scanning the clouds, a myriad of perspective in a super Marioland.
If you think nigga WAH? go to No. 9
If you consider yourself to be capable of deductive thought, put the rest in any order you prefer…


10. To try to glimpse what you don’t think, and how equally valid that might be.
Go to No. 12



11. Don’t think, don’t think.
If your mind is blank go to No. 8
If you keep thinking don’t think go to no. 17a or 17b



12. The accidental reference, a personal or cultural association reveals too much. Hear misinterpretation ring from subtexts. Is that me? It is isn’t it? It’s me. It’s me.
Go to No. 9



13. Tic tac. Touch type. Fingers racing each other. Critter clatter.
Go to No. 14



14. Twists of the truth.
Go to No. 16



15. I’m thankful…
Go to No. 11



16. The same stands for the auteurs, the intellectuals, those who fashion themselves as outsiders and express the voice of dissent. If you’re famous it cos you wanted to be. You dirty little perv.
If this is all working out fine, go to No. 3
If it isn’’t go back to No. 6



17a. The use of the word charisma changed in the 1950s, at the same time as the birth of the teenager and the beginning of contemporary celebrity culture. Previous to this, charisma described some grace or God-given talent rather than the more mundane “personal charm.” It is now the business of the creative industries to manufacture charisma as a cover for the lack of talent or for the promotion of it, to a formula that has proved so successful that anybody can be famous. Indeed, the more anybody you are, the more likely you are to succeed. Not only when watching a porno can you gaze longingly at the screen, five dicks in an asshole and think, “it could be me!”


The End



17b. In a given capitalist society where there exists a large enough number of “sub”-class citizens to overthrow any head of state ruling over them and living at their expense, hierarchies remain intact due to the notion of aspirational living which individuals are sold (also seen in creditcard fueled binge-shopping etc). Instead of rebelling/uprising/overthrowing, subjects support the head of state because said head becomes representative of themselves. Lying in the gutter, and projecting the stars…on what later turns out to be a cabinet from Ikea.
Sub? Go to No. 14
Dom? Fuck off


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2 Responses to BYOB

    1. […] BYOB (The New International Times, 2012) […]

      Pingback by A proper little writter on 6 May, 2012 at 8:36 pm
    2. More of this please!!

      Comment by BM on 11 November, 2016 at 11:03 am

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