A Midnight Toke to Heathcote Williams on the Second Anniversary of his Cosmic Leaping

Mighty H,

I miss your impish chuckle and tender heart

Your electric wit and peachy anarchy


Hate is blossoming under English apple trees

And that crab -backed rich blond is spouting sulphurous

Scholcky jibber jabber

And buying up Middle England votes

for a popcorn symphony of humbuggery

The message is: There is no message

Just the same old golden spoon of bullshit

Institutional Power reigns

And the NEW problem solvers

Are the old elite

Foisting their well-oiled deceit on the public

They are smitten with Love Island

a tab TV reality of frolicking sun washed bodies

But the ballad of suffering plays on

For the rest of us

We’re out of the game

And over a million burning candles

Hold our dying red wishes aflame .



Saira Viola


voice recording.

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One Response to A Midnight Toke to Heathcote Williams on the Second Anniversary of his Cosmic Leaping

    1. Beautiful and precise.

      Comment by Dafydd ap Pedr on 11 July, 2019 at 4:38 pm

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