A Quiet Flow

In the quietness there is a flow.
I am reaching there today,
Tomorrow I will arrive.
Mixed like a bag of survival
Acts of risks are measured.
I want to climb the Everest of passion
When ordeals are kissed
By the dreams that wake up
Like fiery campfire,
Awaking the traveling souls at night.
Be it a simple act of honor
Like kindling an old heart of love.
One passion ignited
Is like a goodbye resulting in meeting.
Ordeals are wiped clean
When passion writes on the slate of life.
I was kayaking,
I was weaving the loom of dreams,
I choose to spill this happiness
And make way for the footwork,
To catch the rhythm with you.
Dance of life is a tempting cage,
I Choose it to be free.
You, me and this us
We are like the caves of silence,
We echo with laughter.
You have a river of passion
And I have a stream of passion
Together we make a passion castle
And that is called life.
Our solitudes mingle
And the keys of symphony jangle
Like the surprising festivities.
The touch of the moonstruck night
Forgets the delight of the day.
Every occurrence in passionate love,
Is a well spent paradise.
I can write your poems
In your absence,
And that is the greatest presence
That I can touch.
Emerge out of your photo frames
And land a moon like smile
On my lips.
The hearts that exchange
Mix colors of love.




© Sushant Thapa
Biratnagar-13, Nepal
Picture Nick Victor








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