Butterfly  (Yesterday)


The white butterfly alights by the flower
Becomes the hidden, still, brown leaf
Yesterday was alive: Imogen on the mandolin;
Leonie’s dreams, Excelsior, a fine picture;
William, a poem of the hot sun & us beneath;
Godfrey describes the wind, we listen, win 

Our world; hearts warmed sitting ‘round
Alice sings; memory melts, silent, still
Gentle release, words, desire, let go
This moment I belong to you.  A sound
Softens fragile colours to one, and will
Join flower, meadow, tree, you, me; sow 

This harvest is a simple one
Beneath the clear and baking sky
Our food and drink from each of us
Comforts shared by friends, father, son
Mother, daughter; all see this butterfly
Shine, flicker, be still; our life ever thus


© Christopher 2020/2021

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