DRAWING LIFE was set up three years ago to bring life drawing to people with dementia, funded by a small lottery grant.  Since then people have created some remarkable art, we have teamed up with Jerwood Gallery, exhibited in Hastings, Lewes and Brighton, started developing a research project at University of Brighton and, not least, made a positive difference to the dementia community.

The Big Lottery loves what we do and has shortlisted us to win a large grant through ITV / The People’s Projects.  We are very proud to be down to the last five groups in the ITV Meridian East region. Three groups will win £50,000.  If we win we will expand our work with more classes for more people in more places.

The decision will be made by public vote which is why I am sending you this email.

Please vote for our project Dementia Drawing and forward this email to as many friends and colleagues who you think will support us with their vote too!




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