EATING PLACENTA: lines on the royal birth [revisited]



In solidarity with Heathcote Williams and the current ruck about his republican poem about the Queen.

EATING PLACENTA: lines on the royal birth

Daddy was bloodied by foxes,
Grandma was bloodied by paps,
Remember this, sweet boy child
When you’re sucking on Catherine’s baps,
You are a platinum baby
In a diamond year glistening with gold,
Born at a supermoon risen,
Whose drama has yet to unfold.
Destined to party your lifetime,
The number of the feast,
Rationalised by philosophers
And ratified by your priests.
Land mines will protect your empire,
Water-cannon govern the streets,
A chip in the brain of your subjects,
The path to your happiness greased.
Soon there will be a nice supper,
Cementing the bonding of friends;
Kings and queens and hard men,
All greatest of chums in the end.

Here is our flesh since the old times
Here is the blood in our veins,
A thanks to the newborn among us
A toast to immaculate reign.
With god on our side we are chosen,
The devil he plays for the few
We stamp our place in the Cosmos
Eat afterbirth braised in a stew.

Anna Chen23 July 2013
Poem first published on International Times on July 24th 2013

Illustration: David Dees

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