Learn 2 Love It

1951. RYUMIN (interrogator, MGB, USSR) to I B MAKLYARSKY (prisoner)

“The question of whether you are guilty is decided by the fact of your arrest, and I do not want to hear any kind of conversation about it. For a long time, you and your accomplices have already been declared outside the law. You are arrested at the order of the government and if you do not wish to acknowledge it, you will hardly remain alive.”

Stalin’s Last Crime.  Jonathan Brent.


2011.  US Congress authorises the indefinite imprisonment of American citizens, without charge:

“The Defence funding bill allows American citizens to be arrested as terrorists on home soil and held indefinitely without trial

Barack Obama has abandoned a commitment to veto a new security law that allows the military to indefinitely detain without trial American terrorism suspects arrested on US soil who could then be shipped to Guantánamo Bay.

The law, contained in the defence authorisation bill that funds the US military, effectively extends the battlefield in the ‘war on terror’ to the US and applies the established principle that combatants in any war are subject to military detention.

… the legislation, requires “that suspects with links to Islamist foreign terrorist organisations arrested in the US, who were previously held by the FBI or other civilian law enforcement agencies, now be handed to the military and held indefinitely without trial.”

The Guardian  14th December

20??   Coming Soon To A Nation Near You


Robert Tasher


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