Pat Kelly

Lovely mix from Stephen Taw RIEP Pat Kelly, what a voice – thank you for the beautiful music Sir ???????
Very sad to hear of Pat Kelly’s passing this week. One of the great falsetto singers, got to see him once at a Phil Bush weekender in Margate some years ago. I remember feeling like I was floating whilst I was standing there listening to him sing.Seemed like a real humble gentleman too

Playing tracks by

Pat Kelly and Pat Kelly & Dillinger.


This a mix as the radio show I did with the same tracklist sadly failed to record properly. But you get more music this way as on the show I cut tunes short to fit them all in. Hope you like my tribute to one of the best Reggae singers, Pat Kelly (1949 – 16 July 2019)


Stephen Taw

Thanks to Zoë Lucky Cat Baxter

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