

Some things have slid by unquestioned for so long that somebody had to bring them up.In this timely collection of short, eloquent stabs at accepted fact, Malcolm Mc Neill finally runs some ID on the wise guy – Homo sapiens – the self proclaimed, ‘smartest’ thing on the planet. With its entourage of sacred cows, naked emperors and woefully inadequate gods, it’s now getting ready to carry its convictions into space. From beef jerky theme parks to one-legged pigs… ticked off cannibals to cast iron drawers… stuttering prophets to born again bugs … Mc Neill reveals that its claims are far from convincing.These wickedly erudite skewerings are an informative and surprisingly original way of seeing the most obvious things differently. “It’s a madhouse down here”… best find a quiet spot to read and at least have a laugh.
The author’s most recent books about his friendship and creative interaction with William Burroughs were published by Fantagraphics in 2012 – Observed While Falling: Bill Burroughs, Ah Pook & Me and The Lost Art of Ah Pook is Here: Images from the Graphic Novel. He lives in New York.
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