Farming opens a door to a universal law and the techno-insanity of the Transhuman agenda. The East is called Karma and there is no escape.
There is no time to lose, we must rise up in this race against time. Have no doubt that it’s probably a gathering storm that will sweep us all aside.
Agents of degradation and destruction must be thwarted. A pulsating new dawn is coming, its scattered radiances fully primed for victory. This is our very moment.
We came to party, paving the way for our brothers and sisters, birthing the global realisation of our true potentiality. We are empowered, contain the seeds of invincibility.
Nurturing all that is warm, loving, true, determined and courageous is essentially cowardly. We cower behind a determined sense of self belief, claiming to be free.
Such is the great will of God that we can turn our attention to spiritual escapism, discovering grand illusions in ourselves.
We have no way of rising above the manufactured darkness without cultivating an extinction agenda supported by the highest universal forces.
Enter into profound truth, the vampire God’s cosmic nucleus; we are garbage left behind in a superficial cul-de-sac of life.
We will end up as space ‘holy men’, perpetually spineless, dedicated to the nurturing of only ourselves, without the courage to practice dogma travel or eternal return.
The Holy Madness of Life will not materialise, it’s a race between the power of Satan and awakened psychopaths. We are in no way responsible. It is all them.
Nobody can second-guess the future, although rising spirit energies and outer manifestations of bio-weapons encourage us to head for death.
There is a pandemic of deception and lying, conspiracy theories and lizard men with Covid and offshore bank accounts. Insanity is in the pipeline.
I am cut off from reality, the world of homes and work places, a bloated example of brain torpor. CIA, Mossad, MI5, MI6, FBI, Asda, Halfords, Colonel Sanders and the editor are all out to get me.
You must awaken to the reality that I have no rational thinking capacity, have retreated into the electromagnetic frequencies of passive inner contemplation.
The AI Transhuman cyborg version of myself is largely divorced from humanitarian responsiveness, is simply a digitally controlled robotic look-alike who writes a weekly column every other week.
Apologists for passive acceptance of organic life wrestle their way towards the museum, eating only couch potatoes who are not a pretty sight.
‘Look on stagnation and swathes of human starvation and drink to the obsolete, the transference of the despotic hippy desire for the final days.’
Gillian Knows
Gillian Knows is an inorganic banker, writer, heavy drinker and local activist. She is author of several imaginary books of which the latest ‘Embracing the Paranoid Mind’ is a bugle call to imagine the New World Order which is about to take over all our lives.
(Reproduced from Deluded)