Lots of uninterrupted conversations

and a small amount of air

entering the room. It could be

light spilling through the trees

or it might be the ideas generated

and processes used. The prophet

made really bizarre predictions

that never came true,

however inspired they were.


It is time for peer review:

pass the work around and

annotate the copy you receive.

Was it difficult to write?

And how were the people

you worked with today?

Chance dictates what you get;

Dustbin Sam will finish your

leftovers and be pedantic.


I am always the one

who steps aside and

lets others have their way.

Genuine free-thinkers would

balk at honesty and sarcasm,

make way for outspoken brilliance.

Of course none of these people

ever give first or last names,

prefer to be known as we.


Crossover appeals to me more than

work rooted in one genre; I take

the deceased a lunchbox every day.

In the mirror, my distorted image:

I can be anyone I want to be.

Crimes are committed everywhere,

they have no message or meaning.

Who would actually explode a bomb

if you could see through human eyes?


© Rupert M Loydell

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