– I’m going to the library, said Benjamin.
– But we have to make our Action Plan, Candice said somewhat irritably.
– I know. But I’m going to try to find some books on starting your own business. Plus I need
to see my buddy Conan.
– But you can barely read. Anyway, those kind of books are too boring to read. You might just as well get some book of poetry for all the good it’d do.
– Well, I’ll see what’s there anyway.
– Alright. I’m going to start up a spreadsheet for our Action Plan. When you get back we
need to get down to work.
– What’s a spreadsheet?
– I’m not sure. Come to think of it, I think you need a computer to make one. Maybe you could get a book about it.

A little later:

– You really shouldn’t drink so much.
Candice presented this as a statement of fact.
– I have a deep, underlying, irremovable sadness that only wine – or any other alcoholic beverage – can assuage.
Benjamin presented this as a statement of fact also.
– You should try something else, said Candice. Have you considered relentless and impersonal and sometimes demeaning sexual activity with strangers?
– You forget: I’m the shy, retiring type.
– Then how about joining Chess Club?
– There’s a chess club?
– Every Thursday evening at the Community Centre.
– Oh. Thursday evenings is when I have a bath.
– Whatever. Anyway, about our Action Plan. I’ve scheduled a meeting with you for tomorrow at 2 pm Greenwich Mean Time. Location: here. Business attire compulsory, and refreshments will be available during the interval. Don’t be late.

The Next Day 2 pm:

– So here we are. Let’s get to it.
– I’m ready and waiting. So tell me, Candice, what exactly is an Action Plan?
– An action plan is a checklist for the steps or tasks you need to complete in order to achieve the goals you’ve set. It’s an essential part of the strategic planning process and helps with improving teamwork planning. And it’s not only in project management action plans are useful: they can be used by individuals to prepare a strategy to achieve their own personal goals as well.
– That sounds absolutely great. Can I get a coffee?
– Not yet. Ask me a better question.
– What are the components of an Action Plan, Candice?
– The components of an action plan include a well-defined description of the goal to be
achieved, a list of the tasks that need to be carried out to reach the goal, the identification of the people who will be in charge of carrying out each task, when the tasks will be completed, the resources needed to complete the tasks, and then the measures required to evaluate progress.
– Wow, Candice, you really have this nailed down. I’m thirsty and hungry now. Is it the interval yet?
– Not yet. I have something more to say.
– Okay, say it. I’m ears all over.
– What’s great about having everything listed down on an Action Plan is that it makes it easier to track progress and effectively plan things out.
– Sure. Right on. But now I need the bathroom. Can I –
– Yes. It’s the interval. You can.


– I hope you enjoyed the bathroom and/or the refreshments.
– Scrummy cake!
– I’m delighted. Let’s move on.
– Move on!
– An action plan is not something set in stone. As our organization grows, and surrounding circumstances change, we may have to revisit our plan and make adjustments to meet the latest needs.
– Okay. So when do we get to make our Action Plan?
– How about tomorrow afternoon?
– Cool!



Conrad Titmuss
Picture  Nick Victor




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