Bomi Seo – Bom Carrot: The Kindness Art Show! 

Some images and words from Alan Dearling

Here’s what Bomi (who is from South Korea) said in advance of her show:

“I’m doing an exhibition which begins this Thursday!  It’s all about YOU & Kindness! An exhibition to spread a little happiness & share the beautiful scenes of our valley and people! For sure, you will find your favourite places & maybe yourself in the portraits and scenes in my paintings.”

Here are some more images from the opening party with Korean nibbles & DJ Carlito & Special Korean cocktails. It was held at Nan Moor’s bar in Todmorden. Friends and fans of Bomi are helping her to raise funds to pay for her UK Visa application.



Before moving to her Todmorden home in West Yorkshire, Bomi was based in Blackpool and was part of a lively arts scene there on the Fylde coast.  She told Linda Hampton for the Blackpool Arts Centre: “My background is in visual, community and performance art. I studied and taught at Chugye Art University, Seoul. I first came to Blackpool ten years ago via funding from Ilhyeon Art gallery (일현미술관), Seoul to make collaborative work with people of different cultures whilst travelling in the EU. That led me to meeting many different artists. I now collaborate with two of those artists under the banner of Tirikilatops. I also produce illustration, comics, graphic design and make all the costumes for the band under the guise of Bom Carrot.”

Bomi adds some additional ‘colour’ to her description of her life-style – dada, surrealism and the mixtures of Korean and UK cultures, commenting especially about the ‘seriousness’ that often she says:

 “I find this quite hilarious and use it in my lyrics.”

Linda Hampton comments that Bomi ‘s fantastically flamboyant costumes spring from charity shops and car boot ‘finds’, like stuffed toys, taken apart and refashioned into something new, her style being heavily inspired by Jeong Tae Won, her grandmother, who dressed brightly and crazily, reflecting her zest for life.


Bomi has added images and information into her Facebook page to encourage folk who would like to look at what prints are for sale and how to buy them. If this link doesn’t work, find Bomi on Facebook at Bomi Seo10. It offers a nice little ‘virtual tour’:




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