Part 1
I’ll revel
in the moment
when my brother
has a son,
single life –
I do not wish
to go on.
a puppet with
bones were I –
a skeleton with eyes
I bow.
And my crown
cut from my body
and used
heavy weight
to sink ships
and crush
the coral reef
the epidemic feeds.
On the fishes
under rocks in disguise,
some without mothers –
some younger than others –
some in a blitzkrieg war
of their own.
And its crazy
to say
but they’re drowning,
its crazy to see
that they’re buffering –
like all things nowadays,
is that what we do
when we’re sleeping?
When we’re weeping,
I expired and lost my voice
Part 2
I am different
than in the deadly heat
of one month ago.
Still –
as I was before my
summer in love.
I see dusk
outside my window
and new flowers opening
after reincarnation –
forgetting death.
The loose petals
that have bitten the dust
are sewn –
into a secure bouquet
and await the growth
of the amazon
where they meet.
In a virtual Brazil,
a place full of unwell wit.
A raid on future life
like I had never felt depression.
A raid on future life
considered paralysis –
and dare I say a luxury.
Pencil prescriptions –
milligrams seen as
a number of hierarchy,
the enthusiastic support
is not enough to
sedate me,
as I’m catapulted
into another test.
Septic tears
serve to bribe
through paralytic times,
feeding the veins –
splitting the crust
on sewer waters.
at it’s strongest in
my darkest hour,
with nothing more
than a silver spoon beside
my bed.
My reflection –
zack Robinson
utterly captivating – i adore
Comment by Stephanie Luka on 18 January, 2018 at 8:59 am