David Cameron strangles kittens and drowns them
And they sink to the bottom of the sea.
Babes in arms still attached to their mothers’ breasts
Are being drowned by a Tory MP.
Boatloads of migrants, seven hundred at a time
Are fleeing the chaos he created.
He carpet bombed Libya and he murdered Gaddafi,
Forgetting the African countries Gaddafi aided.
They were destabilized after Gaddafi’s death,
Encompassed by Cameron and his NATO mates,
And afterwards Libya, left unaided by Cameron,
Became a faction-ridden basket-case.
“We came, we saw, he died,” triumphed Hillary Clinton
(Libya has oil and the US always wants more)
Now Christians seen as being allied to the West
Are ritually beheaded on the Libyan seashore.
The innocent flee Cameron’s and Clinton’s chaos.
They set off in fragile vessels.
Refugees from the West’s busy-bodying mayhem;
Refugees from Syrian and Iraqi massacres.
To be unable to conceive that killing 15,000 –
As David Cameron has done in Libya –
Wouldn’t have the direst possible consequences
Suggests something wrong with his character.
The boats are unseaworthy and overloaded
And due to the weight of their cargo they capsize.
The migrants are innocent of geo-political machinations;
They’re uncontaminated by politicians’ lies.
To rub salt into the wound, the wretched Cameron
Cuts support for Search and Rescue teams.
The multi-millionaire patrols Fortress Europe,
Repugnantly deaf to a black baby’s screams.
illustration: Elena Caldera
Its parents had walked from sub-Saharan Africa,
Braving day after day in the desert’s heat.
The Mediterranean had been its gateway to freedom
Not a mirage bringing death by deceit.
Heathcote Williams