Politics, whether local, national or global, can often be used as a mechanism to benefit a small elite to the detriment of the majority. War, therefore, is a necessity to this aim.
Religion also can often be used as a mechanism to benefit a small elite to the detriment of the majority. War, therefore, is a necessity to this aim.
Patriarchy has ruled this planet with an iron fist for millennia – the enslavement of women and children in all cultures and religions keeps this monstrous machine in motion. Divide and rule is a simple mechanism to control people and keep this violent, evil system in place, and has worked for eons. As soon as people wake up to it, they’re free.
I suggest it’s time to drop the love bomb. Get rid of all of the above and start anew, where we remember we are all VIP citizens of this glorious planet earth, swirling in enchanted, magical privilege around the cosmos on a potential paradise. We are self-governing, responsible sovereign beings, born free. In a world where the Divine wants us to live in peace and harmony, to get back to being at one with our mother earth planet, which is where our only hope of happiness and true prosperity lies. We should all be working together to make it happen.
There’s surprisingly little about Palestine in this… is that really the right title for this piece?
It would be nice if I could agree that ‘As soon as people wake up to it, they’re free’, but unfortunately, oppressors gain much of their power from material advantages, so freeing our minds is liable to leave our bodies still enchained.
The Meditations once sang ‘How can there be peace in this situation, as long as rich and poor still exist? The devils in the hills are laughing, while the children in the ghettoes are starving’ – I think they had a point, but I’m not sure I’m convinced by your argument that war is necessary for either politics or religion to achieve their elitist aims. Isn’t part of the resilience of capitalism down to its resourcefulness in turning up subtler techniques of domination?
Comment by Fergus Ray Murray on 18 December, 2012 at 2:52 pm