what action can we take
1. teach the children the small ones
infiltrate the educational system
blow the kids’ minds
prepare them
form free schools
give all our knowledge away
study the revolution and teach it
widen the spirit
initiate great dreams
2. infiltrate industry
talk to farm laborers the workers the poor
help them to organise themselves
to combat their daily misery
rent medical aid exploitation harassment
help them to recognise the reality of their oppression
3. infiltrate the media
whoever can
but remember they’re geared to speak for the system
4. start communes
we need to figure out the problems
like how to supply each other with what we need
we need also to supply examples of communal solutions
and of social relations that work
5. found newspapers magazines make posters illegal radio tv
stations that can transmit and jam the main lines
with vivid information
tell the people what the revolution is for what against
how to do it
open ears to new sound of whole earth
6. make free stores
get people habituated
to the idea of free
give yourself away
7. infiltrate the army the police
8. form cells
groups of five are good
people you know intimately and can trust
soon it may not be as easy for us as it is now
people you can work together with easily
study a craft
or an industry we may have to supply our own needs
during harder times
study the revolution together
organize a place for public discussions
get to know the police of your city
study medicine
first aid
police and military tactics and how to subvert them
study the jails the architecture
study the courts
and oil and science
study electronics
and cybernetics
and publicize the information
study the city plans
how to gum them up and make them function like poems
9. deliver mail free
find time in your life to do free services
repair cars
clean streets
the digger thing
it undermines the props of the system
it blows people’s minds
it makes light enter
it lifteth the spirit
10. write on the walls
11. figure out how to take over the system
how to distribute the food
how to produce it
and all the other stuff we need
and be sure there are enough workers ready and people
to start living without money without police army
state and prisons all forms of coercion
and do it
12. the cell that flashes the people with
an experience of beauty
so that they have something to move towards
and of the ugliness to move away from
because the sense of beauty is gone
and with it the sense of god goodness and the creative
and what remains is the ugly destruction
that can only be answered by our beauty
just by our being there
the confrontation happens
as we walk down the street and in public places
the love force in the face
remembering always
that we have to re-create beauty and love
because beauty and love as we know them have been shaped by
authoritarian capitalism and loaded with its content
13. clusters working together
network of affinity groups processing anarchist theory
and practice
14. autogestion syndicates
networks of volunteers voluntarily unified processing anarchist
theory and practice
15. be more specific
if necessary
develop exercises
to sharpen our thinking
the hard work
of transforming the poetry
into planning
the plans
into action
16. keep inventing further actions
as long as necessary
Julian Beck
Picture David Cooper
Comment by Tom on 17 March, 2022 at 9:50 pm