Widening income inequality
Forms the rictus grin of money
Beneath the beard of Santa Claus
His reindeer when it rains dear
Culled and conveyed by train dear
Season our Seasonal Soup
Of tears dear
At Capitol’s disregard
In the capital too it is hard
They moisturise the face in reindeer lard
Botox preventing frowning
They smile and deny a world both freezing and frying
Perhaps compassion only
Can warm and lift the failing heart
Of the few who devour the many
Compassion – have they any?
They seem extremely poor
Plotting a charted course (of course)
Deluded they may sail away to heaven
Separating ‘bread’ from human leaven
Quaffing and laughing meantime in a Tavern
Perusing when ice mists their glass
A winter cruise on board the ‘Titanic’
Allowing a moment’s misgiving to pass
In glorious gloss of Holiday brochures –
It’s a ‘steal’ of a deal price-fixed by ‘a friend’
Who ensures all their needs transform into fiends
Bernard Saint
Illustration: Claire Palmer