A helicopter emerges. It disturbs
the peace of the interstellar floor
and retreats.
I am a knotted eremite
looking out of the window;
a climacteric holding tight
onto my belly a Union Jack
hot water bottle.
O bless the radiance of spring!
London feels like Greek idyllic
village in cricket-silence;
Hesperus spotlights
my window, an observatory:
The regular stars glister
in the hermeticum above
and below, an ambulance
nee-naws thwarting my awe
in astral timelessness.
Down here, I’m counting
counting and getting immune
to curves to cold numbers
increasing or decreasing
in 24 hours of SkyNews. Kaput.
Abraham brother, in the dead of night,
I’m thinking of you, of your childhood
dream of becoming an Olympian
in pole-vault.
Written in April 2020 during the Covid-19 Pandemic lockdown.
(c) Vanessa Vie
La autora del poema expresa con una sensibilidad especial, la
Conjuncion en su interior
De sensaciones y sentimientos ante la situación caótica
Y fría que está viviendo el ser humano. I like It very much.
Trans: The author of the poem expresses with a special sensitivity, the
Comment by Jose Carlos Fernandez on 9 May, 2020 at 9:18 amConjunction inside of sensations and feelings in the face of the chaotic situation
And cold that the human being is living. I like It very much.
Thank you very much for the comment dad!
Comment by Vanessa Vie on 25 May, 2020 at 10:16 pm