
There is more to the dissemination
than presenting anorexic pouts.
Size zero has a place in glossies
and gush throwaways.
Apart from the backstairs display
for the booboisie: Trivialization
nourishes no one. No gonzo
campaigns, please.
In the athenaeum, the thirst is
for curiosities to be quelled.
Is volte-face by
the virtuosi possible?




Sanjeev Sethi


Sanjeev Sethi has authored seven books of poetry and been published in over thirty-five countries. He is the joint winner of the Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux, organized by the Hedgehog Poetry Press, UK. Highly commended in the erbacce-prize 2024 for poetry with over 9000 submissions worldwide; Sethi lives in Mumbai, India. 

X/ Twitter @sanjeevpoems3 || Instagram sanjeevsethipoems 





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