Special Update from Plague Island




Hey everybody I’m back with another cheery mailing list to lift your spirits


My new poster went up the other week about Serco’s failed Test-and-Trace system which has cost billions and yet only reaches just 62% of contacts, compared to local authorities who, despite being denied access to central government data and given just £300 million in funding, have managed to reach 97% of contacts.

Neoliberal solutions to crises always fail in every regard except one: extracting their private profit from our public finances.



Advertising doesn’t just distort the truth, the lies told by adverts distort reality.⁠

“It is important to bear in mind that political campaigns are designed by the same people who sell toothpaste and cars.”
– Noam Chomsky

The poster was inspired by this (sarcastically optimistic) tweet

“one day, journos and polprofs will factor ‘people are systematically lied to and no matter how smart they are they’ll usually, gradually come to believe it’ into their idea of what people think and how they come to think it.”

– which was about politics and polling, but got me thinking how frequently people’s most base and awful beliefs are treated as if they were sacrosanct and natural occurrences and not the product of the most sophisticated system of reactionary propaganda that has ever existed.

My other subvertising projects, and a free printable poster, are on my website here.

These 6-colour screen print Tory is a Feeling t-shirts arrive next week. You can pre-order here.



The Museum of Neoliberalism has been closed for almost a year but we still hope to reopen once it’s safe.

Until then you can help chip in towards our ongoing rent costs with some merch, including an exceedingly 70s pleather bookmark and postcard of Delta’s infamous anti-union ad.

That’s it for now. I’ll try and make something fun for next time.


Take care in there xx

Thanks to all my new, current, and previous backers on Patreon. If you’d like to chip in a few quid a month towards my activities I will give you a shout-out on my gravestone 





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