Speed of Light

a pantoum

the light of the mid-afternoon
casts an oblong between
the half-closed curtains
makes a sundial of the room

casts an oblong between
the table and a chest of drawers
makes a sundial of the room
where I sit reading

the table and the chest of drawers
the lamp the mirror on the wall
where I sit reading
this is my universe

the lamp the mirror on the wall
the people when they come to call
this is my universe
the mirror shows it in reverse

the people when they come to call
we talk            we set the world to rights
(the mirror shows them in reverse)
we say goodbye          I watch them go

we talk            we set the world to rights
in the light of the mid-afternoon
we say goodbye          I watch them go
through the half-closed curtains

the light of the mid-afternoon
casts an oblong between
the half-closed curtains
makes a sundial of the room




Dominic Rivron
Picture Nick Victor






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One Response to Speed of Light

    1. Never heard of a Pantoum before. Interesting. Can you give me an example of one written by another poet?

      Comment by Pat Thistlethwaite on 30 June, 2024 at 9:55 am

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