I made these stickers about the appalling energy inefficiency of street-based digital advertising screens. And now people have started taking them into the street and sticking them on the screens themselves. Now while I can’t advocate breaking the law, TYPE SOMETHING HERE.
I’ve seen some pushback on the stats on this because people find it hard to believe the screens can really be this wasteful, but it’s true, and has been proved with a FOI request from Manchester City council.
You can get the stickers at the low price of just 4 stickers for £1 from my website shop.
I first learned about how awful digital advertising screens are at the Ad Free Cities conference in Bristol
in 2019 and last weekend I attended this years conference in London (there’s me on the right),
talking on a panel about subvertising, and it was fantastic. So great to see so many people come out to
learn about and share the many different ways to resist advertising in their communities.