From Signs

Signs #14: At the Sign of the Severed Wound

the difficulties thus far will be familiar

………………… transformation
………………………………………………………contains soap
slapped up against your door handle half explosive

the media want soft and smooth 99.9% of hair trigger bacteria
a conceptually challenging tantrum from the minority
your hands support 
……………………………………………….but what do you struggle to want?

night coloured vodka clear as a glass shattered
chemical components keeping themselves to themselves
at the argument’s pliable centre

it should be gratifying yes this clear cut diction
we’re not in together run out from opposed words
compromised as close to reality as reality gets

…………‘like could your blowdry hotstuff actually poison you?’
that perfect 30 minute lock in formaldehyde lasts through months

Signs #15: At the Sign of the Future Revolving

as a fake lepidopterist  I know topiary is not
‘the people talking’            back to that riff
the OECD clean list over exposed leaves shaking
locations used for a serenade amnesty
……………………..  …its a giant chess match
……………………….  .in the form of a nomadic café
…………………………on rollerblades (man this is gonna work as dialogue)

……………….so wherever you are I am baby bipolar
……………….creative types hung dry round an ivy bong
……………….the next big thing in this quiet town with chimneys

…..‘I’m sad now’
………………………………..‘no you’re happy now              see?   xx’

insensitive angel serving free coffee and French toast
what would you change about this place?

             hacked down jungle
………………….gym style quick
……………………………sand graffiti
……………………………… culture using
……………………………………… as a device
………………………………………………..parade to stimulate
………………………………………………………us daily stranger


Signs #16: At the Sign of the Costed Policy

next time
………………………..I’m not ready yet

boutique shopping machines spar in the city faces inhabit
and each other is finally forced to communicate

I know what you did on your way to the fur farm

……………………‘liberal text follows…’

puzzling what s/he can’t believe teeth kicked
in model outrage claws lumber punctured as Dr Disney cuts
……………my love…

…………………….we will never be
…………………….the perfect to be planned

this research is biodegradable      urban foxes fixed
bayonets from the depths of a forced psyche

joint winner bleak meantime managed statistics unfilter

Nathan Thompson


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