Last Look



They didn’t let me swear my oath on a dictionary
not even the one containing the word ‘Brexit’.
There’s a lot to say but not much of it is
me. A nudge unit elbows my outcomes’ income.

What can I do with competing apocalypses,
hide from the faculty bully in my office and
hum along to How Insensitive? We should all trespass
and trample over the bye-laws, democratic dancing.

I suspect the person I’m talking to owns a dinner jacket.
Impact is when he’s rammed by a waitress
in a private dining club. What can one do?
The Justice Minister doesn’t trust the Court of Justice.

I want to disappear this ‘I’ in a cloud of urb-ex dust, while
the decommissioned university crumbles over its head.




Robert Sheppard

Illustration: Claire Palmer




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