My name has only one s





My name has only one s

though it is often spelt with two

often I’m confused


am I this other man

that coughs up dandelions?

does he stand in the doorway drinking my cider?


I have often thought of Charlie Bayliss

the way a screw twists from a wall

he has rarely thought of me (I suppose)


“Charlie Baylis…” he says,

“your name is limited to one s

I hold the upper hand here

with my two – I am twice the s you are”


I search for him, ‘Mr Charlie Bayliss’, in long swimming lanes and meanders of country roads

his presence on google outweighs my presence on google

he is as real as a fountain pen or a burning car, a champagne bottle pops

his black limousine zooms past as I lie face down in the gutter

he tosses a coin my way, “there you are Charlie Baylis, I hope you recover,

you poor fool.”


In the morning I feel better. Or at least I hope to.




Charlie Baylis
Montage: Claire Palmer


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2 Responses to My name has only one s

    1. Such tender pathos . Moving and beautiful . Really loved this .

      Comment by Pippa on 26 April, 2016 at 11:44 am
    2. thanks !

      Comment by charlie on 13 October, 2019 at 11:05 am

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