Picturing the President

Twitter Fingers looks in the mirror.


The total obscenity of the American Dream
Comes to fruition in Donald John Trump …
— Heathcote Williams, from a poem in American Porn
The collage was published in 2016 by Verlag Peter Engstler in Paulus Böhmer das es Euch gibt: Collagen,
a collection of 62 of Böhmer’s collages printed in full color. It is used here courtesy of the publisher.
The caption was provided gratis by S/U’s tireless staff of thousands.

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One Response to Picturing the President

    1. […] Feb. 2: — Crossposted at IT: International Times, The Newspaper of Resistance. […]

      Pingback by Straight Up | Herman | Picturing the President on 2 February, 2017 at 2:12 pm

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