A little while ago, pretty much out of the blue, Ian Presuming Edmondson sent me a copy of “A Murder of Crows” by Edward Barker, who was a former Editor of International Times along with Mick Farren. Only five hundred numbered books were printed and finding a copy is pretty impossible. Hopefully we will be putting the whole book up on IT online magazine over the coming weeks. In our opinion Edward Barker was the greatest British underground cartoonist. Three more cartoons from the magic pen of Edward Barker.
So here we go with part 12b and three more fantastic cartoons.
Sadly only three more posts to go. Weep not for we have many great Edward Barker Toons to present.
Giggling like a fool…
Comment by Dafydd ap Pedr on 12 July, 2017 at 5:10 pm