The Madness of War

This is Belonging recruitment advert from the British Army. Photograph: British Army


It is essential to constantly remind ourselves, that war, apart from a very few exceptions, is a symptom of madness. Yet war is a disease which is largely taken for granted; considered ‘normal’ and unless it involves a large swathe of humanity, ignored. How did we allow ourselves to be trapped by such insanity?

In 2017, wars are as prevalent as ever. They are being manifest in the Middle East, in Africa, in South America, and in a lesser form, in almost all countries of the World. They are the result of a failure to recognize that killing another is actually killing one’s self. A failure to grasp that humanity is a collective made up of millions of individuals, all of whom share a common ancestry and, on a subconscious plain, a common aspiration and destiny.

There is no victory in war. War is an admission of defeat. When humans resort to mass killing of each other we see an expression of failure, never success. Not so long ago war was glorified and, for the victor, held up as an expression of supreme national pride. In fact, such an attitude was predominant in the species for thousands of years.

However two World Wars put an end to the hubris. The levels of destruction were so great and so many millions died brutal and ugly deaths, that a kind of ‘war weariness’ set-in amongst the survivors, and a new sense of the futility of it all became integrated into societies which had undergone the experience. The world looked like it might have learned its lesson; people had pounded each other, and the natural environment, into a sickening pulp, and there was no glorious aftermath. Just a sense of what ‘peace’ could actually mean.

There were – and are – still some who find war ‘exciting’, whose own lives are too dull and routine to find any thrill in the act of daily living. They look on at wars in foreign territories as extensions of their own angst and frustrations. Such individuals find temporary comfort in watching others die.

This condition is more prevalent than many might realize; it is symptomatic of a world crushed by meaningless routine and managed by those lacking any manifest vision of something more deeply fulfilling to awaken starved imaginations.

Of course, a history of war will reveal that whole civilizations were born and dissolved via victory and defeat on the battlefield. It was believed that these blood baths were a price worth paying for the great accumulation of national wealth which followed them, if one was on the winning side. It is sobering to reflect that much of the fine architecture of old Europe is a result of plundered wealth.

War is made no less destructive by the fact that it can now be carried out by people sitting in air conditioned ‘cockpits’ in Houston. People trained to kill ‘at a distance’. People whose chance of being themselves attacked by those they target, being pretty much nil. This type of killing is one step away from the ‘robotic soldier’, the envisioned battle field of the future and a direct of extension of the war games kids (and adults) play on their electronic gismos.

But look, it’s still the same underlying disease. It’s still the fascination with the idea of somehow ‘coming out on top’ and having it over ‘an inferior’. It’s still reveling in destruction, on all plains of planetary life.

Children play war games. I used to play ‘Cowboys and Indians’. I was indoctrinated into ‘war thinking’ from a very early age. It was just after World War Two, and life in Britain was steeped in stories of heroism carried out by ‘our boys’ against the Nazis. Toy soldier armies ranged against each other across the sitting room floor as parents looked on with quiet acceptance. We soon graduated on to ‘cap guns’ and staged mock battles around the garden’s bushes and trees. 

But nobody got killed in these ‘war games’ and the ground wasn’t turned into a sea of craters and toxic mud by our childhood antics. Other matters eventually attracted our curiosity and interest, and the guns and bows and arrows were dumped, unlikely to be seen again.

If mankind would only grow up, the same situation would repeat around the world. Adult individuals, blessed with a little responsibility and the slimmest glimmer of wisdom, would ‘move on’ to areas of interest that expressed an eagerness to support the planet, and not destroy it. A wish to explore new horizons of consciousness, and not to regress into thoughtless thuggery. A desire to meet and enjoy the company of other races and nationalities, and not to put a gun to their heads.

How can this madness have gone on so long? How can war still ‘be taken for granted’ in 2017?

Even those who argue vociferously for cutting back excessive CO2 emissions on the planet, don’t call for an end to war and ‘war games’ that are responsible for a large part of these emissions. They fail to realize that here is to be found the single largest transmission of toxic CO2 when set against any other global activity. I’m including a brief summary of the US position in 2013, just to illustrate the point:

“According to its own study, in 2013 the Pentagon consumed fuel equivalent to 90,000,000 barrels of crude oil. This amounts to 80% of the total fuel usage by the federal government. If burned as jet fuel it produces about 38,700,000 metric tons of CO2. And the Pentagon’s figures do not include carbon produced by the thousands of bombs dropped in 2013, or the fires that burned after the jets and drones departed. ” (Counter Punch).

Most environmentalists and climate change campaigners also ‘take war for granted’, it seems. It has been etched into our bones by an endless indoctrination process. A process whose symptoms can also be found in the way we are urged to be ‘aggressive’ and ‘competitive’ in order to make progress within the demands of the status quo. How much of what is called ‘education’ is about bringing out our creative potential instead of our aggressive potential? And how much is about cramming us with the means to ‘succeed’ in the mostly cut throat world of business and indeed, almost all professions?

We see the symptoms of aggression in daily life, and fail to question it. Is it any wonder that we fail to question war?

War is the most favored tool of the controlling powers.  It supplies the coffers of the military industrial complex with an endless demand for production of weapons. The state then gets the pay-off and looks for another war to keep the cycle of death going. It is also a valuable diversionary tool for distracting the general public, while unpopular and controversial issues are pushed through the system, with only a few noticing.

Of course a great prize for warmongers in general, is anticipation of the breaking out of the mother of all wars. And indeed, the ever looming threat of genocide never seems far off at the hands of those who play with power the way children play with their toy guns and swords, but without any of the child’s creativity. Today, in the USA in particular,  megalomania has become wedded with a sort of Russian Roulette approach to who might present the next useful target for a bombing run or drone attack.

Witness how high the stakes get set in this fiendish game. Witness the Russian Federation and President Putin being ever further provoked by the West to take an aggressive step that could trigger a mega war scenario. The vicious taunting, without a shred of evidence to give it credence, is a mark of the madness which all too often grips those in power. Those who are determined to diminish all of life to a poisoned arrow of fabricated fear, which, if ever launched, would take all of humanity with it.

Let us be sure to keep a close eye on those whom we elect to administer our countries. The intoxication which comes with power is a very dangerous addiction, particularly when the play things at such people’s disposal are weapons of mass destruction. We need, more than ever, to be able to recognize the symptoms of megalomania  and not confuse it with ‘strong leadership’. It is a major weakness in the delivery of what is called democracy, that so many people are still so easily fooled by those ‘standing for election’.

We are being pushed by ‘anti-life’ forces, some of whose origins are less than human, to see the planet and its people as expendable. To accept lies, deception and crude power-play as something akin to ‘normal’. To feel that it is not in our powers to bring deep change to a washed-out and degraded status quo. To believe that war is an ‘acceptable’ way of shifting around the totems of power.

It’s time we not only woke up, but got out of bed too. The hour is late, and this should add a significant degree of urgency to our endeavors.  Mankind is blessed with deep powers of positive potential and these powers are far greater than the force which drives the war mongering anti-life minority. We are close to a tipping point in the growth of conscious awareness amongst caring human beings.

The key will be to channel this awareness into taking measures to regain control of our destinies.

To rid this world of those who hold it’s fate in their numb, insensitive hands. To act in unison and to defy all efforts to divide and conquer our growing sense of purpose and endeavor.

We can and we will, put an end to the madness of war. We must not wait for war to put an end to us.


Julian Rose


Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer and international activist. He is currently President of The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside. Julian is also the author of two acclaimed titles: ‘Changing Course for Life’ and ‘In Defence of Life’. You can purchase these books and read more at





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One Response to The Madness of War

    1. This a very well written piece.
      I have just re-read after many years. I wish I could believe in the greater good of the general population like Julian writes about.
      Mistakenly he refers to ‘war’ being fought by nations and how we as unfortunate minions are somehow caught up in the fall out.
      I can agree with him in reference to previous major conflicts during the past 40 years and do agree about the ‘detachment’ of future battles and killing …
      The most important fact we have to accept is that war does appear to be some ingrained part of our DNA. Fight or flight, fear and paranoia are part of our makeup.
      I have spent my career of 31 years working in Psychiatry and prior to that worked for the Armed Forces.
      Over the past 50 years I have seen both sides of the argument, none of this is clear cut, none of this is an easy fix …
      Warmongers exist, Governments are committed to defending status and some do enjoy killing others, some love the control and power with the might is right attitude.
      Unfortunately there are some in this world that demand for others to ‘obey’ and ‘believe’ at all costs… Many terrorist groups have a god to pave their way, to help them justify their goals …
      Countries which are not dominated by religious or quasi community based ideology genuinely believe ‘they’ are right and can sometimes project an arrogant/smug attitude to all of this with barely understanding the real facts.

      The problem: nobody is or ever has been ‘right’… human nature is as it is, it hasn’t changed much since the cave man. WE are quite possibly nature’s greatest mistake, we are a product of our success, we also have become a problem because of our success.
      We will all die off as many other species have over time and our time on this planet will hardly register.
      WE may ultimately be the cause of our own destruction but it is a sure thing we will die as mankind.

      The planet will survive as it has done for millions of years, it will recover, it will give new life and flourish.

      It is our collective selfishness which will kill us off, not just war. We as a species are all to blame, we are all connected, we are all using machines, as I write this now I am actually part of the problem.

      Easy to sit back to and cast judgement over others with superior intellect when 75% of worlds population are living at the bottom rung of the ladder.They don’t have the time of energy to try and comprehend their world and how it works …
      If we are to be taken seriously, we should give everything away, stop buying, stop everything and rethink …
      We can’t and as was proven during the past 4 months with the Covid 19 Pandemic all we all wanted to do was go back to the way it was. We did have a chance to change everything, a chance to re-start and re-think our future. We didn’t and collectively around the world everyone and I mean everyone just fell into the obvious trap and went ‘back’ …

      Maybe rather than expecting things to change for the good we may have to accept that it is over, the great so called evolution, we could actually be devolving and could have been for thousands of years …
      Much like a terminal illness – better to accept the inevitable than remaining in a state of limbo ‘hoping for something that will never be a reality’ …
      This isn’t sad writing this, it is in fact quite a release …I certainly am not planning on dying any time soon, so what we all do whilst we spend out limited time on planet earth is to think about others, look after your kith and kin and maybe check on what you actually need in life… whilst making sure your own carbon footprint isn’t too excessive.

      Comment by Simon on 19 July, 2020 at 1:25 pm

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