The bleachers haven’t been a part of my wordbook.
I found bliss in bibliothecas. Sastrugi of early misery
never melts. Feeble memories are for the favored.
Folios of my chronicle scatter on their own. To grow
is to grind them, accepting dents by divinity and
combat trajectories of human mischief.
I need the large-heartedness of letters to foxtrot on fonts
of excess. The lavishness of language woos me with its
versions. Trimmings of tautology to dance on the streets
of expression. I wish to insufflate a vape of words. I need
the pleasure of phrases to ply to my secret chambers.
Shtums will not do. I am in love with lines.
Sanjeev Sethi
Picture Nick Victor
Sanjeev Sethi has authored eight books of poetry. Legato Without a Lisp is his latest (CLASSIX, New Delhi, September 2024). His poetry has been published in over thirty-five countries and has appeared in more than 500 journals, anthologies, and online literary venues. He edited Dreich Planet # 1 India, an anthology for Hybriddreich, Scotland, in December 2022. He is the joint winner of the Full Fat Collection Competition-Deux, organized by Hedgehog Poetry Press, UK. In 2023, he won the First Prize in a Poetry Competition by the National Defence Academy, Pune. He was conferred the 2023 Setu Award for Excellence. He lives in Mumbai, India.
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