It was going dark when they came
For me with, “Come on old pal,
It’s all for the best,” so I didn’t resist
As they bound me hand and foot,
Mocked my silence and brought me up
Before a man who washed his hands
And questioned everything.
It was dark when they left me
Laid out in this cell,
Left me to burn for three days in hell,
But the voices came back,
Rearing up in my head.
And then they told me
The seven deadly secrets
That only magpies know.
Soon I’ll go to a place
Where the moon is made of glass
And the stars will fall like snow.
Kevin Patrick McCann
Illustration Nick Victor
A new book of poems
When we look at those who are labeled delusional, we must realize and understand that society itself is delusional. The difference is that in one situation the majority has accepted the delusion whereas with the one labeled so; it is the delusion of one.
Comment by Dan L. Edmunds, Ed.D. on 5 May, 2020 at 3:23 pmIt is often when one faces the sense of feeling alone or being alone in this world, of seeking to define a sense of self before realizing their existence that angst arises. Mental distress arises from not finding any point or purpose to existence and then feeling that in this, the person stands alone.