excuse me



the other side

the other side

of the facts

the facts of the other side


these beautiful people

these bad people

bad people

these many sides

of the facts


ask yourself

where does it

on this side

of the egregious statement

does this side

in america

take it nice and easy


this event just

excuse me

excuse me


i want to tell you something


you had a group

a group of

beautiful people

of bad people

many sides

both sides

egregious sides

at each other

with clubs

to be correct


i want to tell you something

excuse me

i’ll say it right now


there was a group

which i said was correct

that came violently


excuse me


they were very, very violent

nice and easy

that came violently

in america

in bigotry and violence

you know



excuse me

excuse them


here’s the thing

this event

in america

that was bad

it was vicious

it happened


i brought it

i brought it

excuse me

i brought it

unlike most politicians

i brought it

that direct hatred, bigotry

and violence


excuse me

i’m talking



Mike Ferguson
Illustration Nick Victor

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One Response to excuse me

    1. […] Another poem from me, found in the language of DT and at International Times here. […]

      Pingback by Excuse Donald Trump | mikeandenglish on 23 August, 2017 at 4:16 pm

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