from Eric’s Journal

I have been invited to read my poems to some people in Cornwall, but I have said No, because I don’t like going abroad and anyway my passport has expired.

I have been invited to contribute some poems to a magazine called “Unhygienic Genitalia”, but I won’t. I steer clear of things like that.

I have been praised “online” by a famous poet. He’s not famous for his poetry but he has a radio programme he does with poets. 40 years ago (40!) he said he would have me on it. I’ve never been on it, but I was on “Tatting Through the Ages with Mary Beard” and it went quite well.

I have been not sleeping well. Syntax issues have been keeping me awake.

I have been trying my hand at some visual poetry but it hasn’t turned out well. I think it might be because, deep down, I can’t see the point of it.




Eric Eric
Picture Rupert Loydell

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