From Memory

a pantoum

I think the people downstairs liked us
you could say our pros outweighed our cons
we made them feel young perhaps
at least they never said anything

you could say our pros outweighed our cons
they overlooked our foolishness
at least they never said anything
about the late nights loud music and the rest

they overlooked our foolishness
laughed it off when I apologised
for the late nights loud music and the rest
(I sometimes wonder are they still alive?)

they laughed it off when I apologised
and one night even      she and I got drunk together
(I wonder, is she still alive? I hope she is)
she told me lots of things

that night she and I got drunk together
she said she’d never told anyone else
(she told me lots of things
although I can’t remember what they were

the things she’d never told anyone else)
I hope she felt better for it
(as for me forgetting what they were
I hope she doesn’t mind)

I hope she felt better for it
she said I was good at listening
I hope she doesn’t mind me saying
but I’m not sure if that’s the case

she said I was good at listening
I thought she liked me
but I’m not sure if that’s the case
I made her feel young perhaps



Dominic Rivron
Picture Nick Victor





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