Alexei Sayle 
In this video (see link below), as Israel is again bombarding the defenceless 1.8 million Gazans imprisoned in the world’s most densely populated place, Author, comedian and actor Alexis Sayle compares Israel to the serial rapist and abuser of children, Jimmy Savile: “It clearly doesn’t care about damaging the lives of children,” he says. “And it’s a state endlessly indulged by the Western powers.”
In 2009, at the time of Israel’s Operation Cast Lead, which killed at least 1400 people as it devastated Gaza, Alexei Sayle said: “I think it’s important that Jewish people who have a public profile speak out to say that this is not being done in our name. All the time we hear from Israeli spokespeople that they are angry with the people they have murdered for making them murder them. It is the psychology of the murderer, it is the psychology of the rapist, it is the psychology of the bully. That’s what Israel is in this situation.”
Stop the Bombing – Stop the Killing
Saturday 19 July • Assemble 5pm
Downing Street • London SW1A 2AA
More details…
Watch the video:
Some pictures of some of the 15,000 people who turned out for the march today.
From Huffington Post
not in my name
Comment by Mike Lesser on 23 July, 2014 at 3:20 pm