
‘Let’s put on some of Schubert’s German Dances and try to move about to them,’ Dan’s girlfriend Sylvia suggested. ‘That usually cheers you up.’ Dan told her he wasn’t in the mood, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. ‘Come on,’ she said, ‘you always say that. You never feel like it at first, but you always feel better afterwards.’ This was true, and he allowed himself to be cajoled. Sylvia put on a CD, turned up the volume and began to gyrate around the living room inventing movements appropriate to the moment. Dan got on his feet and tried to imitate her. ‘Is this how they used to do it?’ he asked as they waved their arms above their heads. ‘What kind of a dance is a Ländler?’ ‘I’ve no idea,’ Sylvia said twirling about the room, jiggling her hips.




Simon Collings








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