Less Money More Problems



New quick one out of the back of my sketchbook.





This was an idea I had ages ago about making an actual cryptocurrency but it was far easier to just make some fake news about it. Did this yesterday and was very happy to get an idea written and finished in the space of a day. Maybe I’m actually getting out of this rut. Please share it about!




Some new stuff in the shop, including Corporate Manslaughter iron-on patches and the Tory is a Feeling shirts arrived which I’m really happy with. A few years ago I decided I wasn’t going to get digital transfer shirts done anymore – the print just doesn’t last. This is a 6 colour screenprint, but it means the print will last as long as the shirt. You can order any of these bits from my shop.




1% pay rise for nurses is an insult, but so is 2.1%. We need Labour to be more than just the left-wing of the Tory party. The current leadership is a wet wipe.



Jigsaw Jigsaws are now fully back in stock. Order one here.

Thanks to Ben Pitcher for sending me this photo of one his mate completed.

Thanks to all my new, current, and previous backers on Patreon. If you’d like to chip in a few quid a month towards my activities I will give you a shout-out on my gravestone 





This update is public and shareable so please feel free to pass it on. If you’re not on my mailing list but would like to be you can sign up here.


Thanks for reading!

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