A new song, currently in demo form.
Look out for the Red Propellers live in 2025!
Not Holding the Centre
The young server at the food shelter
In bright red lipstick
Hannah Lee Duggan
Necklace and ring
Looking out at crowded long tables
Embarrassed by eye contact
No chain coffee
Quiet Cheltenham cemetery
Belgian beer bottles &
Plectrums left
On Brian Jones’s grave
At Highgate
The irony of a £5 entry fee
Giving Karl Marx
The tombstone blues
She ponders
Head in a romance novel
Gin and tonic
Purse with cigarettes
As always near by
Another jump the gun artist
Not really ready
For an exhibition
Spotify hypes
The new pop singer
Auto tune at the core
A dead ringer
A dead ringer
For the one before
In her
Top of Town
Polyester dressing gown
She stares down
The grimacing
Facially inked
Swaggering the pavement
Towards her
Elderly grandparents
Growing skunk
Debunk stereotypes
Aisle after aisle
After aisle after aisle
Hate crime spree
Dollar General shooter
In full body armour
Modern Tide Filth
Modern Tide Filth
Dressed all in black
Like an undertaker’s mute
A god of adolescence
An angel of exile
A poet of words
A poet of action
Pain into beauty
Victorian painted plate
Pursue the obscure
Pursue the obscure
The edges of everything
A voice a face
A voice a face
A voice a face
For the dispossessed
For the dispossessed
Not holding the centre
Not holding the centre
Pursue the obscure
The edges of everything
Not holding the centre …
The Red Propellers