Quo Vadis?


“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed…
Live simply so that others may simply live.”1 Mahatma Gandhi

“The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.”1 Mahatma Gandhi



The Way of Life,
or the Way of Death?

“I want to see cranes in the sky!”
Says Rachel Reeves.

But she’s not talking about
ancient cloud-dancers migrating…

Instead, the earth-shattering machines
that will decimate yet more of England’s
(last remaining) “green and pleasant” land,

wiping out new swathes of vital habitat
for yet more wild beings, already forced
to scavenge in the cities’ dead zones:
their man-made, mass extinctions ever closer;

bringing the living hell of ‘factory farming’
to more millions of terrified, fellow beings,2
who will never see the light of day,

or feel the sun shine on their backs,
or sense the grass beneath their feet
…all pasture bricked over.

All this while 998, 784 buildings
lie “out of use” in the UK and
265,000 homes are officially
“long term” “empty.”3

“I want to see growth!” She says.

But she’s not talking about trees
or hedgerows, woods or wetlands,

(endangered bats and newts officially irrelevant);
just the money, money, money-making  
of short-term, face-saving ‘economy’ –
which is absolutely no saving at all…

All this while prosperous profiteers profit
from the casual, daily destruction,

from the mass deaths of sentient, sapient others.

“I want to see more spades in the ground.” She says.

But she’s not talking about sustainable allotments,
digging for potatoes, carrots, peas, runner beans,
making life both healthy and affordable,
sharing Earth’s bounty with the wild ones.

All meaning turned, for more pounding

The Green Dream in blackout now.

A third runway at Heathrow on the cards!

As we determine not to fly,
to walk, cycle, go electric,
to save for a heat pump,
to make Veganuary,
a year-long commitment.

Despite the Red,
now in bed with “business as usual,”
turning ever more deathly Blue…

Despite all benevolence trumped in America…

“Health” now controlled by a killer,
who enjoys dicing live mice and day-old chicks
in his basement blender.4


Heidi Stephenson



1 https://excellencereporter.com/2019/05/28/mahatma-gandhi-on-the-wisdom-of-life/

2 https://www.ciwf.org.uk/media/press-releases-statements/2024/02/shocking-rise-in-us-style-megafarms-across-the-uk-revealed-in-new-data

3 Council Taxbase 2024 data released by the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities and analysed by Action on Empty Homes: https://www.actiononemptyhomes.org/news/empty-homes-have-risen-again-in-2024

4 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/caroline-kennedy-calls-cousin-rfk-jr-a-predator-ahead-of-his-confirmation-hearings-to-be-trump-s-health-secretary/ar-AA1y1Af6?cvid=7208f28b17754c4892d20b9f009d4c10&ei=12










By Heidi Stephenson

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6 Responses to Quo Vadis?

    1. An excellent piece. And now them in Westminster are going to try and cover the country in nuclear reactors. They haven’t said where they are going to dump the waste from them but I believe they are thinking of putting it in the sea either at Mablethorpe or somewhere in Cumbria. Presumably anybody who objects too loudly will be incarcerated for a few years.

      Comment by Tim on 6 February, 2025 at 11:38 am
    2. Beyond the beyond…This global Death cult has got to be stopped. “We are many, they are few.” (And they won’t have the prison spaces for us all.)

      Comment by Heidi Stephenson on 6 February, 2025 at 2:24 pm
    3. It would appear Ed Milliband has quite the dilemma, obvious to many of us for a long time, but it seems the penny has just dropped, that net zero can’t supply the gigantic power sources which will be needed to run AI systems. I dont think he thought this one through.
      He can’t have it both ways.

      Also, I think Ed should address the issue of geo-engineering, or chemtrails, ie chemical trails left by military planes to cover the sky in a depressing, milky, cloud covered grey haze, and endless weeks of rain and lack of sunlight, rendering his current craze for covering farmland with acres of solar panels more or less null and void. These trails deliberately block out the sun, and our vital access to Vitamin D, as well as depriving nature and animal life of their natural eco system and supplements. Once in the realm of conspiracy theory, governments have recently admitted to this form of environmental engineering and chemical spraying, arguably one of the most destructive attacks on the environment and people in human history. I first noticed them in 2000, and as they increased over the years, so has the depletion of insects in wildflowers, hedges and gardens, and the decimation of bees, our vital pollinators. How long until Eco Czar Ed tells us what’s going on, and what he plans to do about it?


      Comment by Claire on 6 February, 2025 at 7:42 pm
    4. Thank you for exposing this, Claire. I, for one, had no idea. It gets worse and worse… We all need to act.

      “A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.”

      Comment by Heidi Stephenson on 7 February, 2025 at 9:40 am
    5. Yes, thanks very much Claire. I’ve been meaning to find out what “chemtrails” are for a while. Now I know.

      Comment by Tim on 7 February, 2025 at 1:37 pm
    6. Thanks Heidi and Tim!
      They usually start in a blue sky, planes often running parallel or criss crossing each other, forming aggressive looking stripes, and then a milky film spreads across the sky, to create grey clouds and rain, often the following day, or for several days. Google “chemtrails” for photos.

      It really is one of the greatest environmental and humanitarian scandals of our time. Ignored by the media, but many independent researchers have been studying the effects for some time. The chem sprays contain aluminium, barium, chromium, lead, strontium and lithium, to name just a few, and it is poisoning the vital top soil we grow our food in, as well as depleting insect numbers, and causing human diseases unknown in such numbers in the past, even in the young. A good video here, where the pilot admits to carrying out the spraying:

      Pilot Who Didn’t Know He Was Being Taped Admits To Dumping Toxic Chemicals All Over Humanity


      Also an article which doesnt mention chemtrails, but the destruction of our English orchards is down to these chemicals poisoning the soil.

      Quote from the article: “Late last year, David Nash of Redvers Cider & Perry in Herefordshire wrote to his local MP, the Green party’s Ellie Chowns, about the decline and asked her to highlight the issue in parliament. “Without protection, [traditional orchards] could be lost altogether,” wrote Nash.”

      [Ellie replied] “I will continue to look for opportunities to raise these important issues in parliament.”

      Unfortunately, the Green Party did not explain the reason for the demise of the orchards, as they have completely ignored the issue of chemtrails and their effects on soil erosion for decades. Maybe it’s time they recognised and addressed it as the serious environmental disaster that it is.

      Comment by Claire on 10 February, 2025 at 11:29 pm

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