Part 1
A toxic slurry of shiny bullshit from raw pink savage mouths
Give us our country back! They scream
A fuck head with a pole vaults to the front of the mob and hurls a green chair at the fuzz.
A band of pig-buttocked minds /yes, their minds resemble the arses of oinky oinks /are trying to set fire to the Holiday Inn where feathers of light barricade themselves in kitchens and listen to the bastard howl of HATE
Outside they spread racist graffiti on walls and smash windows their hearts guttered by the calloused laughter of prejudice preening in the squalor of ignorance their cheap half bites of tweeted misinformation smoking -smouldering long and hot on England’s green and pleasant land
England till I die!
Chant the pubic pus -eyed
A stain of bulldogs ram their way into Vape Vape Shoe Zone Lush and Gregs the Bakers
They torch two cars arms piled high withLOOT and hiss Save Our Kids as they burn the LIBRARY down
The volcanic gush of vitriol -the beatings – the arson all live streamed for everyone to see in high-res cinematic colour The Sunday Wrap for news isn’t a PROTEST it’s a bum slurp of violence orchestrated by a snarling -panting -foaming cut of naked fascists who say they want their jobs back.
What jobs? 3 D jobs you know the ones that the trad workforce shy away from 3 D jobs those dirty- dangerous- difficult jobs No annual pay no sick leave no minimum wage Are they going to clean toilets or mop up blood stained faeces from a stoma bag perhaps sit for hours in a nail parlour soaking off acrylic tips or ride greasy wheels for Deliverooo living on
hollow -eyed dreams and pound store -chips?
Marching through English towns chanting
Zeig Heil! Death to Paks and Blacks
Flagging the rutted roads of division
The circus of fools stayed away from the numbers a curtain of silence on braying tongues
Look what they’ve done!
Beware the false messiah sweet talking INCITEMENT -persuading -encouraging instigating -influencing- while they lounge in gold star luxury
Hold onto that red scream of REALITY
Part 2
We may be skating through the excrement of fascist bile but let us not be blinded by racist eyes let us celebrate with angelic minds the sweetened heat of love across dub- kissed skies let’s feast on the naked carcass of hope
And scatter the streets with polyethnic glitter
Gleam in the wink of sunny discs of
p o s i t i ve chi
“السلام علیکم” (As-salāmu ʿalaykum) Peace be upon you
The day is too loud to hold onto
Cracked glass shivers bloodied feet dragging souls thru capitalist doom
You dream of that perfect England
But the racist militia have always been there
to fuckety fuck fuck
We turn away from the red stump of hate – unite and warm ourselves with the music of the sun .
Saira Viola
8th August 2024
Picture Nick Victor
Fierce! The rhythmic intensity and raw filter brings to mind the powerful poetry of Audre Lorde but the shift at the end of the poem : The blending of anger and hope shows the beauty of human resilience during political turmoil. Let’s all douse ourselves in some of that “polyethnic glitter”.
Comment by Lisette on 10 August, 2024 at 2:03 pm