a. is this the way, you will ask? the question [or]
b. is this, the way, you will, ask the, question? [or]
c. Is this the way you will ask the question?
is this the way you will ask the question
this is the question the way you will ask
ask is this the way you question the will
is the way you will ask the question you
question is this the way you will the ask
will you ask is the question the you way
the question you ask is the way you will
is this the question the way you will ask
d. the question
you will ask
is this the way?
[SPaG = Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar; MCQ = Multiple Choice Question]
Mike Ferguson
illustration Nick Victor
As ever, like the illustration. Thank you Nick
Comment by Mike Ferguson on 3 December, 2015 at 8:30 am