The Allen Ginsberg round up.

Friday’s Weekly Round-Up – 392

[Allen Ginsberg October 16, 1965,  at the Vietnam Day Committe’s march through Oakland – photo: Kit Sagen]

Don’t Hide The Madness  – read David S Wills’ “Angry Young Men Become Nice Old Men’,  his review of the Ginsberg-Burroughs book on Beatdomhere

Allen Ginsberg photographer, the UK-based  Far Out magazine. features a deftly-chosen annotated photography portfolio

Stuart Walton in the LA Review of Books on Jack Kerouac’s painting 

Baudelaire’s suicide noteBaudelaire

Lorca as a graphic novel Lorca

Francesco Clemente  in his recent Vulture interview “I still believe in the America I loved as a teenager. I still believe in Emerson, Thoreau, Ginsberg, and all the rebels and mystics”.

Why Do The Powerful Fear Poets?” – Ai Weiwei‘s PEN Artistic Expression  Award speech – can be read (and/or listened to) – here.  (and more from Ai Weiwei – here)

“..Can we, for example, pinpoint when Allen Ginsberg stopped being a beatnik and became a hippie? It is impossible?” – Juliane Fürst, guest curator of the recent exhibition at the Wende Museum,“Socialist Flower Power: Soviet Hippie Culture in a recent interview in the LA Review of Books)  More about that intriguing (sadly-no-longer-on show) exhibit (Russian hippies) and Fürst’s pioneering scholarship – here and here

Today (November 16) is the anniversary of the birth of the great “New York School” poet, Ted Berrigan. For our fond (2013) appreciation – Happy Birthday, Ted! – see here

and tomorrow at City Lights,  a tribute to another New York School luminary – Bill Berkson

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One Response to The Allen Ginsberg round up.

    1. When Allen Ginsberg became a hippy? 1962 in India?

      the Calcutta café

      I read* about a café
      in Calcutta
      in the sixties
      it fixes
      in my romantic mind
      and I call it
      The Calcutta Café**
      though that wasn’t
      or isn’t
      its name
      all the same
      it speaks to me
      of a café society
      that was special
      you see
      each group there
      sat at its own table:
      the novelists here
      the playwrights the screenwriters
      the journos the hacks the others
      and the poets?
      ah the poets
      they had their own table too
      they even had
      their own name
      which resonates
      down the years
      of their literary fame
      The Hangry Poets
      they called themselves
      and here’s to explain:
      claiming poverty
      they professed to be
      claiming alienation
      they professed to be
      and being poets
      they claimed –
      of course –
      to be talented
      collectively they were
      and –
      as poets everywhere are –
      curiously attractive
      theirs was
      the most sought-after table
      it seems
      some habitués
      of The Calcutta Café
      were prepared
      to give up writing
      novels films plays
      in order to be
      or pretend to be poets
      and thus gain a place
      at The Hangry Poets’ table
      and become presumably:
      and curiously attractive
      too –
      the quality
      of their verse
      is not known

      now here’s a thing:
      in 1962
      the American Beat poet
      Allen Ginsberg
      while stumbling around India
      in search
      of enlightenment
      stumbled one day
      into The Calcutta Café
      and saw
      in a flash of enlightenment
      that The Hangry Poets were
      in some way or another
      an howling outpost
      of the Beat Generation
      of which he was
      a founding father
      in turn
      The Hangries
      recognised a fellow Hangry
      and fell upon him
      with glad cries
      of warmth and solidarity
      all this
      a romantic dream
      but real
      though such a thing
      has never happened
      to me or ever will
      I feel
      to think:
      the company of poets
      actively sought
      by literary pretenders
      their table blessed
      by Allen Ginsberg’s presence
      no women sat there
      of course
      or were invited for sure
      if the Hangries had muses
      they kept quiet
      about them
      became their muse maybe
      for a bond was formed
      two of the Hangries
      even got jobs
      in American universities
      and ceased to be
      or even angry possibly
      and wore tweed jackets
      no doubt
      with leather patches
      at the elbow
      the better able
      to live out their fable
      and did ever again
      I wonder
      writers deceive and scheme
      to sit at their table…..

      * A Blue Hand: the Beats in India
      Deborah Baker Penguin Press NY

      ** ‘The College Street Coffee House
      adjacent to Calcutta University…
      College Street packed to the gutters
      with book stalls…derelict old houses
      are filled with so many books and
      publishing concerns that one has to
      stand in a sweaty line on the pavement
      and wait to be served.’

      Comment by jeff cloves on 27 November, 2018 at 6:13 pm

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